Previous Outreach Events

Back To The Moon
The event took place on the 7th of September, 2019 in order to celebrate the landing of “Chandrayaan-2” – India’s second lunar exploration mission. The main highlight of the event was “Moon Gazing” with telescopes that were provided by us. The moon gazing was also followed by a deeper explanation of the moon and its appearance. A short session was also conducted to tell the participants more about the Chandrayaan mission by ISRO.

Eratosthenes Experiment
This was an activity-based DIY event that helped the participants to learn and practically measure the circumference of the Earth. The experiment was so magnificent yet simple that it can be performed even today without typical apparatus or technicalities and can even be performed at home. We assisted students in understanding the basis of the Eratosthenes experiment and discover the Earth on their own !!

Ring of Fire
This event Ring of Fire was hosted on the day of the Solar Eclipse, to provide students with first-hand experience and knowledge about a solar eclipse. The event focused on helping students gain information regarding how and why solar eclipse takes place. It was an informative session and talked about safe techniques for viewing a solar eclipse. Taught students methods of indirect viewing with eyewear marketed as ‘eclipse glasses’ and how to use a telescope for the same.

Sally Ride Earth KAM
EarthKAM stands for Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle school students. This event honors the legacy of the first woman in Space – Sally Ride or Sally Kristen Ride who was an American astronaut and physicist. This one day workshop was conducted at City Montessori School, Gomti Nagar I on April 16, 2018, by Labyrynth Pvt. Ltd. Also, more than 45 students from classes VI to IX, participated in the event. It featured Sally Ride and her contributions and also covers what it is like to be in Space.

Global Astronomy Month
Global Astronomy Month (GAM) is an annual event that is organized every year in the month of April by an international organization, “Astronomers Without Borders (AWB)”. It includes features such as meeting, listening, and interacting with people doing astronomy outreach programs every-time and everywhere around the globe. To cherish the skill of astronomy and learn new amazing things. It was a fun-outreach program that promotes practical learning.

Yuri’s Night
Every year, on April 12, we celebrate the “First Man in Space” with the “Yuri’s Night” event. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was a Soviet Air Forces pilot and cosmonaut who became the first-ever being to journey into outer space!! Woah! This major milestone inspires us and we can altogether be inspired and learn so much more about space and outer space. This event clearly matches with the exploration continuum of space.